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Yes it is

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Información del midi
Título: Yes it is

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 10078

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
If you wear red tonight
Remember what I said tonight
For red is the colour that my baby wore
And what is more, it's true
Yes it is

Scarlet were the clothes she wore
Everybody knows I've sure
I would remember all the things we planned
Understand, it's true
Yes it is, it's true
Yes it is

I could be happy with you by my side
If I could forget her
But it's my pride
Yes it is, yes it is, oh yes it is, yeah

Please don't wear red tonight
This is what I said tonight
For red is the colour that will make me blue
In spite of you, it's true
Yes it is, it's true
Yes it is

I could be happy with you by my side
If I could forget her, but it's my pride
Yes it is, yes it is
Oh, yes it is, yeah

Please don't wear red tonight
This is what I said tonight
For red is the colour that will make me blue
In spite of you, it's true
Yes it is, it's true
Yes it is, it's true

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